Friday, November 26, 2010

Muddiest point 22/11

Does citing an article increase the webpage’s probability of being retrieved by a crawler? I’m looking at this in the context of a site’s 'hubness' .

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Comment links-Unit 11

Reading notes_Unit 11: Web Search and OAI Protocol

Web Search Engines: Pt1&2
While reading the article and considering the data processing potential of today’s search engines I was reminded of Moore’s Law and capacity capabilities. The content was fairly easy to follow and it clarified some points for me on the search processes of search engines. I found the section on spam rejection to be especially interesting; the ‘policing task’ seems to exist everywhere and spam evolves like everything else.
The second article dealt with the more involved task of actually processing queries, the speed needed for crawling through the W3 is incredible and makes you realize how vast the network really is. The use of caching, which increases capability and reduces cost is something that really emphasizes the amount of separate processes that take place behind the scenes in the www.
The aims and goals of the OAI, as is relate to metadata harvesting, will have far reaching consequences for digitally mined data on information. The fact that this will allow search engines to trawl parts of the ‘hidden web’ indicates exposure to previously hidden information sources. The implication for libraries is a deeper information mine for user consumption and a more extensive resource pool.
The Deep Web:

In order to maximize information sources we would then require better searching tools, there are constant upgrades but from the statistics quoted there seems to be a disconnect between possible sources and those actually being unearthed.  

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Comment links for Unit 10

Muddiest Point for 11/8

Labs are being set up to help with assignment 6, how will they be structured for online students? Can I use Skype to interact for the session?

Reading Notes for unit 10

Digital Libraries
Most worthwhile endeavors are challenging and fraught with hurdles, creating the ideal resource access repository is probably no different. With so much effort from so many quarters the digital research environment can only get better, maybe not perfect, but definitely better.
Dewey meets Turing
An interesting insight into the still developing but permanent relationship between the fields of Librarianship and Computer science and the influence each one is having on the other. That the contemporary librarian has to straddle some of the roles of the computer savvy has added a new dimension to the perception of what librarianship now entails and has, no doubt, removed layers of dust from our collective image.
Institutional Repositories
The move away from traditional scholarly publishing avenues has come about for a variety of reasons. That educational institutions have undertaken the task seems to be a move in the right direction since it affords greater control of the entire process. But what are the long term implications for ensuring its continuance and persistence; will the task become too burdensome financially and technologically? What happens then, to decades of intellectual property that mankind can ill afford to lose?    

Friday, November 5, 2010

Muddiest Point for 11/1

Muddiest point:
In the lecture, in answer to a question, it was stated that search results depend on two factors: The information being indexed and the ranking algorithm.
Is the ranking algorithm based on  popularity (the no. of hits the site/ page gets) or content relevant to the query?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Comments for Unit 9

Unit 9- Reading notes

Unit 9- Reading notes
Introducing the Extensible Markup Language (XML)
-   An interesting insight into the pre-internet days and the creativity involved in information   dissemination.
A survey of XML standards: Part 1
-          XML is the standardized platform language for the web environment.
-          There are multiple facets to this language with an ever increasing range of permutations that allow for flexibility and increased capabilities and adaptability.

Extending your Markup
-          Much advancement in web language development has led to XML and the ability to better manage information.
-          Including different elements within the language structure affords greater representation of data and allows the incorporation of more information.
-          XML structure contains many extensions that lead to more diverse usage of the language; it is a step-up to previous language potential. XML extends HTML’s linking possibilities by involving XLink, XPointer and XPath.
-          New developments will further enhance the capabilities of XML.

XML Schema Tutorial
-          A helpful hands-on tool that is informative as well as interactive.