Thursday, October 28, 2010

Unit 8 Reading notes

W3schools HTML Tutorial
The step by step tutorial is great, at least I think I understand the basic functions and I don’t feel as intimidated as before. The ‘try it yourself’ really made a difference for me; this will take some more practice for me though!
HTML Cheatsheet
This really puts things in a nutshell and it assumes some pre-knowledge of the process, a good supplement for the W3schools tutorial.
W3 School Cascading Style Sheet tutorial:
I think I’ll have to be more confident about the HTML tutorial before I try to modify, again, the ‘try it yourself’ really helped.
Beyond HTML
The ability to utilize web-authoring skills to create an environment that caters to the needs of website users is an important consideration in this study. The importance of standards and a certain level of conformity is required if users are to comfortably navigate within the realm of the web offerings of a site in order to find the content that they require.
Selecting a Content Management system depends on many factors with prime considerations being placed on cost and system usability. Proprietary and Open Source systems are both viable options as well as creating home-grown ones. In this case the latter was the preferred choice because there was sufficient in-house skill and more importantly, the need for controlling the eventual end product.
The development of an indigenous Content Management system is a lengthy and time-consuming project that relies on the skills and efforts of many. However, the satisfaction of developing a system that is specially customized to suit the needs of the users probably makes it all worthwhile and represents the ‘beyond’ of the learning process.

1 comment:

  1. I also believe these tutorial are great tools for understanding how to create your own pages, like you say we will need more practice!
